139 Newbury Street

Framingham, MA, 01701

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 2:30pm

Core Subjects

ELA and Social Studies are taught by the same teacher and frequently during a long block of instruction. There are regular cross-curricular connections and fluid movement between the two subjects. ELA curriculum includes novel studies, reading groups, and a writer’s workshop. Social Studies curriculum includes ancient civilizations (sixth grade), ancient civilizations (seventh grade), U.S. history (eighth grade).

McAuliffe offers a math course that can meet the needs of your scholar. Math is the only core content area where scholars are grouped by ability. Most 6th graders are scheduled to take 6th Grade Math, an on level math course that aligns with the sixth grade MA Curriculum Frameworks for Mathematics.  Other scholars may be scheduled to take 6th Grade Pre-Algebra, where admission to the class is determined by a diagnostic placement test. As needed, a small group of scholars may take a substantially separate math class that is taught by a special educator. Read More

Curriculum is organized into teacher-created case studies and units. Teachers incorporate labs, simulations, games, writing assignments, projects, and a wide variety of other learning activities into the lessons. There is also a focus on non-fiction reading and writing aligned with the Common Core standards.

The overarching themes in science are as follows:

  • 6th grade: Human Body, Physics, and Evolution
  • 7th grade: Waves and Fields, Energy, Ecosystems, and Geology
  • 8th grade: Climate Change, Chemistry, and Genetics

Goal’s Block is a 45 minute intervention and extension block that occurs three times per week. Scholars are placed in Goals based on standardized assessment data, progress toward learning targets in their core courses, and teacher recommendations. Those with demonstrated gaps in reading, writing, math, or who have a social skills requirement in their IEPs work in small group settings using a range of in-person and online intervention strategies. Those scholars who are at or above grade level participate in an Extension Lab where they explore a topic in-depth with a teacher.

In the final three weeks of the school year, Goals Block transforms into “Odo” where scholars are allowed to select a range of activities led by McAuliffe teachers. Past examples include skateboarding, cooking, creative writing, wiffle ball, and woodworking.

For any questions about Goals you can contact Christina Morello.