Christa McAuliffe Charter School is committed to the provision of quality and innovative education for all scholars. In line with EL’s mission, we foster educational environments that embrace a growth mindset, promote critical thinking, and structure inclusive settings where general and special educators co-teach in order to differentiate instruction and hold the bar high for all scholars.
Our programming offers a multi-tiered system of general and special education support services, interventions, and programs with access to school adjustment counselors, guidance counselors, a speech and language pathologist, contracted service providers, and our school nurse. All of our staff work closely with your child’s teachers to facilitate positive, inclusive educational experiences for all students.
Staff Contact Information
The goal of the Student Data/RTI Team is to maximize individual student success in the general education classroom while also serving as a problem-solving team to match students who may be struggling and require some additional assistance with effective interventions. This team of interdisciplinary professionals uses specific assessments and available tiered interventions to help remove academic or behavioral obstacles for students in the general education setting.
Utilizing the primary question of “What resources can we use to increase the student’s chances for success?”, this team employs a collaborative home/school approach that prescribes targeted intervention which complements existing curriculum and instructional programming. Response to intervention is closely monitored.
Any student within the general education population who is experiencing significant and ongoing academic, social-emotional, or behavioral difficulties may be a candidate for referral to the Student Data/RTI Team.
Student may be identified and referred to the Student Data/RTI Team by teachers, other educators, administrators or parents.
If you feel your child is experiencing significant and ongoing difficulty in school, please contact your child’s Crew leader.
In order to effectively meet the needs of all students, teams of core teachers and inclusion teachers meet weekly with members of the student support team (Director of Student Culture, Counselors, and Director of Student Services) in a forum called Team Plus. The team identifies students who are considered at-risk for behavioral or academic concerns and who are not responding to primary levels of intervention within the classroom (those named in the school’s District Curriculum Accommodation Plan – DCAP). Teams identify students’ strengths and weakness, select strategies and interventions to implement, and gather data on the effectiveness of the interventions. If a student responds positively to the new strategies, teams continue to implement them, track progress, and schedule a follow up check-in meeting.
If a student does not demonstrate improvement in response to the new strategies, the team refers the student to the McAuliffe Intervention Team (MIT). The team members (including, but not limited to, the Executive Director, counselors, Dean of Students core teachers, often parents/guardians, and sometimes the student themself) use data gathered and background information to identify an underlying problem. Their goal is to figure out why a student is struggling. Team members brainstorm interventions that could help solve the problem. Finally, the team develops an action plan by identifying specific interventions to try, delegate members to try out these interventions, and collects data on the results of the interventions.
Our counselors collaborate with teachers, administrators, parents and community resources and agencies to provide the support necessary to ensure that all scholars maximize their academic achievement and potential. Moreover, we assist school administration in providing a safe and respectful environment that encourages a diverse student body to become life-long, independent, critical thinkers and productive citizens in a changing society.
Section 504 Accommodation Plans
Counselors serve as the 504 contact for their grade. Please contact your scholar’s counselor with questions.
Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
School Counselor Contact Information 2022-23
Jean Corrielis (6th grade)
[email protected]
508-879-9000 x.163
Marisa Rozek-Arena (7th grade)
[email protected]
508.879.9000 x164
Megan Hines (8th grade)
[email protected]
508.879.9000 x120
As a public charter school, McAuliffe is committed to working with families as a Team to transition students with IEPs into the school and to provide comparable services to meet the students’ learning needs. In accordance with state and federal regulations, the school ensures that all scholars receive a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
Families should alert the school (via the enrollment process) that their child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Families should plan to attend their district’s IEP meeting in the spring in order to prepare an IEP for a middle school environment. Then, the family will meet with McAuliffe Special Educators for a transition meeting where the team adjusts the IEP so that it aligns with the McAuliffe program and provides comparable services.
Parents/guardians of scholars with disabilities are encouraged to participate in McAuliffe’s SE-PAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council). The SE-PAC is committed to providing families with information and support. Contact Michelle Arons if you have any questions about SE-PAC.
To join SE-PAC please fill out this form: SE-PAC form
For more information about Students with Disabilities in Charter schools, click here.
Additional Resources:
Notice of Procedural Safeguards: (formerly known “Parents Rights Brochure”): The Parents Rights Brochure is designed to assist the parent in understanding the special education process, and the rights of the parent’s when their child has been referred for or is receiving special education services.
Notice of Procedural Safeguards
Aviso para los Padres/Madres de Garantias de Procedimientos
Aviso aos pais sobre salvaguardas processuais
Parent’s Guide to Special Education: Written collaboratively by the Federation for Children with Special Needs and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, “A Parent’s Guide to Special Education” was developed to serve as a resource for parents and the organizations that serve them.
A Parent’s Guide to Special Education
Guía para los Padres de Familia sobre los Servicios de Educación Especial
Guia dos Pais Sobre Educação Especial
Students with Disabilities in Charter Schools
Estudiantes con discapacidades en escuelas subvencionadas
Alunos com deficiências (físicas ou mentais) em escolas tipo charter
Educational services for English Language Learners (ELL) are based on the individual needs of the scholar. Services provided to ELL students are designed to minimize barriers to educational services and extracurricular activities and to provide an appropriate education in the least restrictive learning environment.
McAuliffe ELL staff use data collected from the Home Language Survey, completed by all families upon admission, to make preliminary identification of students who may benefit from ELL instruction. From there, review of academic records, parent/student interview, and WIDA assessment are used to make a recommendation for ELL service delivery and goals. It is not rare for McAuliffe to re-enroll scholars into ELL services after they have been determined by the sending district that they will no longer need services.
McAuliffe encourages parents and guardians to join ELPAC (English Learner Parent Advisory Council) to help the school better serve the scholars who are English Learners. To join ELPAC please fill out this form: ELPAC form
Staff Contact Information
Christina Rish
ELL Coordinator & Teacher
[email protected]
508-879-9000 x.531
McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act
The McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. McKinney-Vento provides federal funding to states for the purpose of supporting district programs that serve homeless students (in non-permanent housing).
The definition of Non-permanent housing includes children and youth who lack a regular, adequate and fixed nighttime residence including: children who share housing with other persons due to loss of housing or economic hardship; children living in emergency or transitional shelters; children living in motels, campgrounds, trailer parks etc. as well as unaccompanied youth.
The Culture & Character Coach, Anthony Fratantonio, serves as the Homeless Liaison for Christa McAuliffe Charter School. Please contact him with any questions or concerns at (508) 879-9000 ext. 133.
Community Resources
English Language Education Services
Framingham Adult ESL Plus
Conversation Classes at Framingham Public Library
Daniel’s Table*
Pearl Street Cupboard and Cafe
A Place to Turn
Salvation Army Framingham
*McAuliffe has a Daniel’s Table freezer with available food for anyone who is in need. Please contact your child’s guidance counselor for more information.
Household Goods and Furniture
Fresh Start Furniture Bank
Project Just Because
Household Goods
UWDS Warehouse Store
Housing Assistance
2018 Emergency Assistance Advocacy Guide
DHCD Emergency Assistance Application Process
Emergency Assistance Application Family GuideShelter and Resource Directory
Legal Services
MetroWest Legal Services
Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Program
MetroWest Free Medical Program
Mental Health Services
Mass 211
Parents Helping Parents
Wayside Youth and Family Support Network
Utility Assistance
SMOC Fuel Assistance
Utilities Shut Off Infor